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Next Generation Dialysis Needle

White cloth background abstract with soft waves.

Infiltrations are a serious and common complication of dialysis.

+2 Million Infiltrations occur every year

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Our Solution:

Pressure Sensitive Needle


Using our patent pending design, we can deliver dialysis cannulation that is safer for the patient and technician.

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Our Value

Elder Woman in Wheelchair with Caregiver

Decreasing infiltrations and complications

Increasing appointment compliance

Happy Family on a Visit to the Doctor in the Office of a Doctor.

Improving patient and provider experience

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Dedicated and Experienced Team

Dr. Karthik Ramani is an interventional nephrologist with a decade of kidney care experience and a strong interest in innovation and research.

Jake DeMeulemeester is a biomedical engineer and current medical student at MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine.

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Karthik Ramani, MD, MHA

Team Lead

Interventional Nephrologist

Michigan Medicine


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